Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Burst Pipes?

We are located in Cary North Carolina and respond to burst pipes all over Wake County of the time. One of the first things people ask us is: Does my homeowner’s insurance cover burst pipes?

Flooding and water damage from burst pipes can be extensive and expensive. Fortunately, all or a major portion of the damage caused by burst pipes is generally covered by homeowner’s insurance here in North Carolina.

What does homeowner’s insurance cover?

Some insurance policies will cover water damage to the home’s frame, walls, personal property, carpets, floors, cabinets, etc.

There are situations when your insurance policy will deny your claim.

Some basic policies do not cover plumbing and pipe expenses.

Also, if the burst pipes are due to the negligence of the owner or occupant, claims may be denied.

If you are experiencing water damage feel free to visit this page: Water Damage and Restoration